Top 10 Geothermal Power Stations

Following is the list of Top 10 Geothermal Power Stations as per Energy Development Corporation, 2011:

 S.No.Station Country Capacity
 1 Malitbog Power Station Philippines233
 2 Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Station  Indonesia227
 3 Cerro Prieto Geothermal Power Station II Mexico220
 4 Cerro Prieto Geothermal Power Station III Mexico220
 5 Hellisheidi Power Station Iceland213
 6 Salton Sea Power Station United States185
 7 Wairakei Power Station New Zealand181
 8Mount Salak Indonesia180
 9Mahanagdong Power Station Philippines180
 10  Cerro Prieto Geothermal Power Station I Mexico180
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