Top 10 Deadliest Natural Disasters

Following is the list of Top 10 Deadliest Natural Disasters:

 S.No.Natural Disaster Date Death Toll Location 
 1 China FloodsJuly-November, 1931 1,000,000-2,500,000 China 
 2 Yellow River Flood September-October, 1887900,000-2,000,000 China 
 3 Shaanxi Eartquake23rd January, 1556 830,000 Shaanxi Province, China 
 4 Bhola Cyclone13th November, 1970 500,000 East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) 
 5 Haiti Earthquake12th January, 2010 316,000 Port-au-Prince, Haiti 
 6 India Cyclone25th November, 1839 300,000 India 
 7 Antioch Earthquake May, 526 250,000-300,000Turkey 
 8 Tangshan Earthquake28th July, 1976 242,419 China 
 9 Haiyuan Earthquake16th December, 1920 234,117 China 
 10 Indian Ocean Tsunami26th December, 2004 230,210Sumatra, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives